Exactly what this world needs: Another self-indulgent blog.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

One of the Greatest Things I Ever Heard

It was the overnight.  I was settling in and preparing lunches when I heard a client talking to herself; something that was nothing new for this particular client. What was odd was what she was saying.  It was mostly, mutters and what sounded like gibberish.  The only words I could make out were "Charlie Sheen."

Charlie Sheen.  Charlie Sheen. She was saying the name like a prayer, as if she was asking him for something.  Her voice was pleading, almost intense.

Intrigued, I made my way down to her room.  More gibberish, more "Charlie Sheen."

Finally, there was this exchange:

Me: "K" what are you saying?

K: I'm saying Charlie Sheen!

Me: And why are you saying Charlie Sheen?


It was one of the most amazing, brilliant, crazy things I have ever heard in my life. Charlie Sheen was going to make the snow come.  Not Jack Frost, not Jesus, not Santa, Charlie Sheen. I had to bite my tongue to prevent myself from informing her that Charlie was involved in a different kind of snow.

I had visions of Charlie, dressed up like Saint Nick, riding around in a black sleigh that was being pulled  by a group of hookers wearing antlers and giant platform heels  Drinking whiskey from the bottle, Charlie would wave his other hand around, allowing pure white snow to fall to the ground.  Until he crashed into the Hollywood sign, of course.

It made my night, possibly my week.

The next day K yelled that she was "sick and tired of Charlie Sheen." I guess Charlie didn't come through with that snow.