Exactly what this world needs: Another self-indulgent blog.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I Dreamed a Dream . . .

Once I had a dream that involved Tom Waits, a train, a steering wheel, and really awesome shoes.

I was riding on top of a train. It was a big cartoon train, bright red, with a huge smoke stack.  Tom Waits was sitting next to me with a steering wheel "driving" the train.  He informed me that this was the best way to travel.

 The cartoon sun was smiled down upon us, as the train went up and down over great big hills,  Flowers danced and cute bunnies hopped on the green, green grass.

Then the train crashed into a shoe store.  Tom said that since we were there we might as well go shoe shopping.

It was the most awesome shoe store ever.  All the shoes looked like something out of fetish magazine from the 1950's.

I was about to try on a serious pair of ballet heels when I woke up.

. . . That's about it.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Aimee Semple McPherson

Sister Aimee fighting the gorilla of evolution, or something like that.